ON- LINE GIVING- Donation's, Offering's & Gift's etc.
Your prayers and financial contribution will be greatly appreciated and will be rewarded by our Sovereign God. As a 501(c) organization we will provide a tax receipt for all donations.
To make your Tax Deductible donation & giving, you can either pay by check OR by PayPal.
By Check: Write your check Payable to "Rock of Salvation Church".
Mail your check to: Rock of Salvation Church 159 Dixon Road Milpitas, CA- 95035
Donate Using PayPal: Donate using your PayPal account OR using a major credit card. No account with PayPal is required. We don't collect your credit card info -that's between you and PayPal.
Click on the DONATE button below to donate via PayPal.
We appreciate very much your partnership in reaching out to all nations for Christ. Thanks again, for your generous support in the expansion of God’s kingdom.